seed the pasture, feed the soul
It’s as true as time. Your grandfather’s grandfather didn’t know anything different, and as certain as the leaves are falling out my window the seeds are being sewn in the field. It’s human nature.
four guys from two countries, all of similar ages, reached into a bag of seed and touched eternity. The language barrier vanished as only a veil could do. it's just us and the field.
There is almost nothing sweeter, nor nothing more gratifying, then the soft feathering of seeds leaping off your fingertips. as beautiful as any water cascade you have ever seen—it’s a seedfall. You can almost make out their joyful cheers as they soar towards the broken earth beneath—it’s a resounding “YEEEEESSSSS!!!!!”
Incredible. Seeds + water + your humanity = bounty. Abundance comes from presence.
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