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Entries in gelato (1)



before beginning ihoc i had never read a blog in my life.  and even after i began chronicling my story, i still avoided reading other blogs for fear that being influenced by others’ ideas would somehow make mine less original or unique.  but now, a year and a half after sharing my days with you, i have certainly read my fair share of others’ blogs, mostly food related, and have developed preferences.  one thing that always bothers me about food writing is the tendency towards superlatives.  how can every single dish and every single bite be pure poetry?  i just get easily bored reading about people’s dinners, and how magical and sumptuous they always are.  i know, pot calling the kettle black.

and so with that out of the way, i bring you the BEST lunch, at our new FAVORITE restaurant in the whole WORLD: osteria cassia vetus

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