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Entries in planting leeks (1)


plants in the ground

so, it happened.  our first plants are in the ground--about four hundred onions and four hundred leeks.  long day in the field, but a monumental day in our personal histories—first plants for our first farm.  we weren't sure if the occasion called for some sort of religious sermon, a hallucinogenic journey, or some sort of live sacrifice--so we just went with all three.  

despite working so hard this week, and accomplishing every single goal we had on the to-do list, the background noise circling in my head has been one of uncertainty. 

am I doing this right?  do I know that answer?  will this work?  what tool do I need to fix that?  how do these two pipes attach?  that’s leaking.  and so is this, this, that, and the other thing .  what gear should the tractor be in? 

as the half dozen plates spinning on the tips of my circus sticks wobble and teeter on their centers, I find solace in a foot rest and a cold brew after a physically, mentally, and emotionally dynamic day. 

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