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Entries in cows (7)


cow butts


the poo man shoveleth

the cows suspiciously circled as he shoveled their poo into the wheelbarrow. why now, they moo’ed? after all this time. but the man was dertermined, and not even an encoraching herd could stop him from shoveling poo.

soon, though, like all people, he left. minutes later, and the cows returned to the poo man’s freshly shoveled pasture and shat all over his work.


the good doctor

sometimes, i catch dr. kimble at the very edge of a paddock—lying inches below thousands of volts of electricity, toes over the line, eyeing the horizon—plotting another great escape.  

he is not to be trusted.


walking out to the cows, a narration

walking out to the cows, a narration


moving those cows

as i hollered for the cows they aaalll came runnin’.  i guess they knew i was moving them into the woods, which is most likely their favorite paddock.  with a very busy schedule ahead of us this week, starting with a chicken kill in the am, it’ll be nice for the cows to be in the most comfortable paddock possible, giving us the option of spending our time and energy on other farm cogs and not on them for at least two days. 

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moving of the cows

moving the cows, one of my daily chores, is one of the most enjoyable parts of the day.  the sounds are quiet—just me and them.  building temporary paddocks—all sized differently based on a subjective scale which factors weather, terrain, the herd, and my own schedule all into consideration.  it’s problem solving, just like in middle school math.  herd “a” times days “y” divided by cows “w” minus my personal schedule “x” to the power of “g” grass.  A x Y / W - X  ^g = how to move the cows.  it’s science.